Tuesday, January 5, 2010

One Word - - -

More than once, I have told youth of mine (I work with teenagers in a church, for those of you that don't know), that doing God's work is as simple as smiling at someone or doing a good deed like opening a door. I do believe that's true, and I tell them because it's non threatening, but I think sometimes, it seems too simple, seems too generic and it's really just a knee jerk comment. But today, I was reminded of why it's so important.

I was at the gas station this morning grabbing some juice and breakfast on my way to work, which was something I waffled about for a while in the first place. Did I really need to hit up the store? Surely I'd be fine with something small at work, anyway. But, my whim won out, and I stopped. I grabbed my purchases and went to the counter to pay, where I was asked by the cashier how I was doing. I smiled and said 'good,' and he stopped, looked at me with a smile of his own, and said, 'Wow, that's nice to hear! So many folks this morning just grumble about what's wrong...you just made my day!' He finished ringing me up, thanked me again by name (I'd paid with a card), and wished me well.

All I did was smile and say one word. That simple thing changed my morning for the better, and may even change the mornings of the next few people he talks to as well. So, for those of you who are wondering if those little gestures really do matter, here's proof that they do. :)