Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Drop of Water - and the Beauty of a Moment

Sitting in church on a Sunday morning, listening to the sermon. You expect to hear a sermon when you're at a worship service. You don't always get to see them.

My pastor has had his fair share of stress and difficulty lately - he and his wife are going through a separation. No surprise that such an occurrence would leave someone a bit down and out - and that's about what he's been - just down.

Sunday morning he was preaching on Matthew 6:24-34, with a sermon he'd titled 'Sermon for the Heart.' I wonder if he knew that he'd be speaking not just from his heart, but possibly to his own heart.

The gospel lesson speaks to the idea that we are precious to God - more important than lowly sparrows. It also states that we cannot serve two masters - most particularly, God and money. We are not to worry about the insignificant things of life, because we can't add time to our days by doing so. God takes care of us. That's all that matters.

My pastor certainly has something to worry about in his life right now, and most would say a separation is hardly insignificant. They'd be right - after all, he has three kids - and while a separation would be hard enough, it would be even tougher when you are looking at it from six eyes that are wondering what's going on as well.

As he was preaching on Sunday, the cold he's been fighting showed its power and sent him into a coughing fit. He calmed his cough, apologized for the interruption, and moved on.

A minute later, something beautiful happened. His wife walked up the side aisle, walked right up to the pulpit, and handed him a glass of water. Just that, nothing more.

I have no idea if anyone else thought that simple gesture was as beautiful as I did. I have no idea if anyone else even thought twice about it. But I saw it. I noticed. I'm sure God did too as the real sermon was preached that morning.

What was perhaps even more profound to me was the rest of the other 'sermon' that followed - and how perfectly it explained the moment that had just taken place.

'Is God's love a drop [or a glass] of water that comes into your life at one moment?' 'Jesus came not for those who deserve to be loved (after all, none of us do anyway...), it came not for those who feel they are good enough. Jesus came - he comes when we need him, in the most profound, yet simple way possible.'

Knowing what is going on can either be a painful reality or a window into the simplicity of how God is at work. Trusting in faith, trying not to worry, seeing that tomorrow is a new day.

'Faith is believing God is with you even when none of your senses can perceive his presence.' God, let us cling with every part of our being to the moments when all of our senses are overcome with your glory. That way, when we feel the void that comes with doubt and uncertainty, we have somewhere to look, something to remember, a glorious, wonderful moment when we realize that you are always there - in every drop of water.

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