Tuesday, June 16, 2009

You Can't Do It All Yourself...

"We like to be needed. And we become overconfident in our ability. But we're not God...we're finite." We are crack(ed) pots. I spent a couple hours this afternoon in transit to and at the Apple Store at the Southdale Mall in Edina. It turns out if you stop a computer mid-update, it's basically like giving the poor thing a lobotomy. No organization can rise any higher than its leaders Leaders rarely surround themselves with other leaders...mostly because we don't want to share the spotlight. No leader has ever suffered because his followers were strong. Most people don't do what's expected, they do what's inspected. People will do what they see you do.

I am not omnicompetent.

When I stepped back, my church stepped up.

We have to get the wrong people off the bus, the right people on, and everybody in their right seats.

Sometimes we have to release people and let them go...lovingly. Sometimes they're not going to be happy about it.

Six goals...one for each area of their lives. It took work...but it was necessary. They knew I was taking an interest in their lives.


Pachabel's Canon - I wanted to do this by myself...

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