Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Forging on ahead - - -

I had an interesting revelation today - spurred on by a first look at the beginning of the call process. Interesting that something I thought would cause pain to consider would be something that seemed to ease my mind - something that meant looking at the future. Believeing that Terry was supposed to accept the call he received means that we at Grace are being led to a new pastor and leader, and that one is being led to us...so simultaneoulsy, Grace is being called. I have to believe that Terry, in being called to be a bishop's assistant, was called to leave Grace. Now, this might seem like a ridiculously obvious statement, however, it didn't seem so obvious a couple of days ago. That isn't where the revelation ends though - by believing that Terry was called to leave Grace, that also means that someone else has been called to become a part of Grace, and to become our new pastor.

I think the reason that fact seems so hard to accept is because it feels like we are supposed to be "replacing" Terry - even when I know we are not. The new pastor that is called to Grace will be our new pastor, not a replacement pastor. Things will be different, and that is okay - and even good. Change is difficult, but necessary at times, and remembering that calling a new pastor means turning a page in Grace's history book and embracing what it means to go new directions with our ministry through God's will.

I wondered what it was going to feel like to walk back through the doors the first time knowing that Terry was no longer there. I had a conversation with him back when this process started three weeks ago about what it would be like for his kids during the year that he is away from them, and I remember making a comment about how they could see their new responsibilities as a way of helping their dad from a distance, by carrying on at home with things that needed to be done, and taking ownership in the process. That was sort of what I felt as I got to the church - like I had a legacy to carry on, duties to fulfill, and stepping up to take up the slack. I feel like I have a new charge.

Tomorrow is my first actual day back in the office - I have a lot to do to get ready for the school year.

A parting thought - Psalm 117.

Praise the Lord, all you nations;
extol him, all you peoples.
For great is his love toward us,
and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.
Praise the Lord.

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