Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Go in peace, serve the Lord - - -

I'm scared. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't - but in that fear, there is also excitement.

I am five minutes into the first day working at Grace without Terry - and it doesn't seem real. I know in my head he's not there anymore, but it doesn't seem like any more than another vacation.

I spent a lot of time tonight having a conversation that I didn't expect to have - about what is going on in life right now - confusion, conflict, uncertainty - TRANSITION. I talked about what it means to have a natural balance upset.

I feel like there is a challenge set before me - I had to stop and smile when I heard Lisa say - it will be good to feel discomfort and difficulty as we go through change at Grace - because it makes us realize how important it is to work together as a team - and as a church family.

After all, stasis is not ministry. We have to periodically undergo change, even when change means that things might be very different and chaotic for a while.

God, into your hands we commend our spirits...

You are the potter...

We are your clay.

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