Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Answer My Friend, Is Blowing In The Wind...

It's 2011. Just barely two hours old. And so far, it's been wonderful.

I know the whole thing won't be wonderful. And I think I'm prepared for that. I've got some pretty amazing people that will make sure that the parts that aren't wonderful, are - at very least - survivable.

That's part of why this year has been so great already. I was spending it with some of those folks. My boyfriend's family - my other family - people that I feel blessed even to know. People I love, who love me, who take care of me. And my wonderful, sweet, caring, almost unbelievable boyfriend to top it all really is more than I could ever ask for. For this reason, I am blessed.

I came home tonight smiling, and after messaging Logan, got ready for bed. Upon coming back upstairs, I find a message on my phone asking if I made it home alright. The message I sent hadn't gone through...not uncommon. I resent the message, and another, and after another moment, I get another buzz from him wondering where I am. So, after calling him and letting him know I'm safe at home, I hang up the phone smiling. It seems so simple, but it is so wonderful...having someone that cares enough about you that they're on the phone calling as soon as it's been a reasonable time for you to have arrived. It's something I don't want to take for granted, because it's another reminder of how good things are...and how happy I am.

It's been a busy year - how different than normal I guess I can't really say - but many things happened. I started out the year by taking a trip to the North Shore, and exploring so many beautiful places. I then found out I have food allergies, and after a drastic diet change and several months, not only learned how much better I could feel, I also lost 30 pounds, and can look in the mirror for the first time in a long time and really like what I see. I started running, and ran not only my first official race (a 6k in Minneapolis), but several others, and am slowly working up to being able to run (hopefully) a marathon this year. I went to Washington state for the first time, and not only got to go on a great vacation with my boyfriend and his sister and kids, but also got to see my college friend Brendan for the first time in something like four years. I competed in a triathlon with Logan and did the bike and run portions, and he swam. We did great. I had a bit of a falling out with a friend for a while, and struggled for a good part of the second half of the year letting that go - and finding new ground to build that relationship back together on. It's still a process. :) It's one of my goals for this year - to really finally let that all go. I went on a canoe trip with a group of kids this summer, and learned how much I can learn just by hanging out with a group of people for a week. I went camping with Logan's sister's family, and started learning how to run barefoot (and got my first pair of Five Fingers!). I also injured my foot, and after working up to 8 miles of running in one shot, had to stop for over a month to let it heal, and also had my first experience with a chiropractor - who fixed my foot. My grandpa got very ill and passed away within the space of a couple weeks - and I experienced losing a close family member for the first time. I celebrated two years since I started dating the man I love more than I knew I could love another person (and I read for the umteenth time the letter he wrote me for our anniversary... I think I read it at least a few times a week). The last few months have gone by so fast they seem like a blur...and it seems unreal even as I type this stuff out that so much has happened. Add on top of all of that the fact that I have now been at my job and lived in Fairmont for something like four and a half years. Crazy.

I lay here in bed listening to the wind howl, still smiling - there's something wonderful about being under blankets and listening to a reminder of how cold it is outside...and how nice it is inside. It's comforting, in a way. I've always liked being able to hear the wind against the windows or the roof. I think it's just a reminder of powers that I can't control, and can only be amazed by. I'm okay with that.

I wanted to remember these things as I embark upon a new journey - a new year - another year in my life. I also wanted to jot down, in a place I can't lose - some thoughts and goals for the upcoming year...

1) Get ready for, and run, my first marathon.
2) Learn to let go of something I can't control anyway.
3) Make an honest attempt at getting back into some of the other forms of art I used to be active in - mostly drawing. And do more photography.
4) Be more intentional about, and improve, my guitar skills.
5) Possibly convince a certain guy to propose to me... ;)
6) Read the Bible EVERY day. Even if it's only a little bit sometimes.

If I think of other things - I will add them. I'd also like to try to do something I've been meaning to do for a long time - which is really get into the habit of writing in my blog more, if for no other reason than to remember things and jot down thoughts and ideas I have. It's always good for me when I take the time to do it.

Life is...good. Sometimes life just is. There are always reminders, whether in our own lives or in others - that bring us back down from our mountain top experiences and make us step back and look at obstacles we face that force us back to the valleys at times. We'll always have those. And we'll make it through them.

God bless us and keep us, God make is face shine on us and be gracious to us...God look upon us with favor, and grant us peace - today and always.

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